Dubai Expo - Alif: Mobility Pavilion 3D Printed Eyes

This was my first time making 1:1 eyes - it was immensely satisfying getting all the details perfect in such small 3D prints.

This was my first time making 1:1 eyes - it was immensely satisfying getting all the details perfect in such small 3D prints.

As the pearl diver is depicted swimming in the ocean, we wanted his eyes to look a little redder than normal. I carefully layered additional veins into the eyes to give that extra depth he required.

As the pearl diver is depicted swimming in the ocean, we wanted his eyes to look a little redder than normal. I carefully layered additional veins into the eyes to give that extra depth he required.

Head of Prosthetics Jason Docherty carefully installing the eyes in the sculptures. Getting the eyeline correct was imperative.

Head of Prosthetics Jason Docherty carefully installing the eyes in the sculptures. Getting the eyeline correct was imperative.

The Bedouin sculptures opened and concluded the exhibition.

The Bedouin sculptures opened and concluded the exhibition.

Dubai Expo - Alif: Mobility Pavilion 3D Printed Eyes

Alongside Al Khwarizmi and the 8:1 giants, I also produced a selection of other eyes for the Alif: Mobility Pavilion at the Dubai 2020 Expo.
I created 1:1 eyes for the Bedouin Girl, who is seen twice in the exhibit, and for the Pearl Diver.
The eyes were printed on the Stratasys J750.
Creative Director: Andrew Thomas
Project Supervisor: Jack Taylor
Sculptor: Fabio Paiva